
31 Days of Character Building: Paint Colors

Welcome to Day y of my 31 Day Series, Building Character.  

Paint is the cheapest and the quickest way to give a space a new personality.  I get a lot of emails inquiring about paint colors. Today's character building post is dedicated to the colors I have used throughout my home...

The {Old} Front Door: Martha Stewart Barn Red

The {New} Front Door: Martha Stewart Silhouette

 The Family Room: Martha Stewart Coir

The Master Bedroom: Ralph Lauren Brown Fox

The Master Bathroom: Ralph Lauren Brown Fox

My Daughters Room: A custom mixed color very close to Martha Stewart Molasses

My Daughters Room: A custom mixed color very similar to Martha Stewart Artesian Well

The Boys' Room: Martha Stewart Wrought Iron

The Kids' Bathroom: Ralph Lauren Brown Fox

The Powder Room: American Signature (Lowes) Lobster

The Dining Room: Martha Stewart Crevecoeur

The Hallway: Martha Stewart Cappuccino

The Foyer: Martha Stewart Coir

Obviously, I am in love with Martha Stewart Paint.  The quality is great for the price and her colors are fantastic.  I recommend her paint to all of my clients.  

Thanks for stopping by!
To view the entire 31 Day Series, Click Here.
For information on my affordable online design services, Please Click Here.


  1. Love the colors. I just wish I had enough courage to be bold with my color choices. I guess I can add that one to my bucket list :)

  2. I love color! My home is full of color too. It's such an easy and inexpensive way to add character to your home. :)


  3. Lovely! I've been looking for paint colors for red doors and I'm so glad I found yours! Did you paint the hardware black and the kickplate silver? Please let me know because I hope to replicate the look for my front door. Thanks!

  4. I love the white color under the chair rail in your dining room. Is it a Martha Stewart paint, too?

  5. Did you paint the exterior of your doors with interior paint? How has it lasted? I love the color of your black door, but am afraid to use interior paint outside. We had a contractor do that on the office door and it streaked badly in the rain. Thanks!!!

  6. What color is the paint in your kitchen?? I love it.

  7. Hi, Sarah--I've just discovered you on Pinterest and you have some lovely, practical ideas. I do have a couple of questions. We are doing some updating/basic renovating (basement, master bath) in preparation for putting our home on the market this spring. When we re-paint, what general colors would you recommend using for that purpose? I've always loved the types of colors you used here, but are those good when the house goes on the market, or should more bland palettes be used? (blech) Also, are there any hard and fast recommendations you would make, as far as updates, other than de-cluttering, de-personalizing, and a thorough cleaning? I appreciate your designer's advice!


    1. Hey Lori, thanks for stopping by. Cleaning, de-cluttering, organizing and repairs are number one on my list for home staging. Next on the list is painting, neutral colors are best for resale, however nuetral does not always mean bland. You can easily bring color and personality to the space with accessories and decor. Best, Sarah

  8. Hi Sarah

    I was wondering about the color in your kitchen. Can you tell me what you used?

  9. I love your style! Can you please share the color of the breakfast nook?
