
Doing What You Love...

In honor of Father's Day, I'd like to take this opportunity to answer one of the most FAQ's I get on the blog and in my inbox.  I just received this email a few days ago…

"Hi Sarah...Seeing all of your work I can't help but wonder how you got started with your passion for interior design and your online design business…Interior design is a career path that not many people choose to take so its always exciting to see inspiring work like yours…"

Although I really enjoyed my job as a banker,  my heart's always been in decorating.  I realized design was my true calling when my bank clients started coming to see me with paint chips and fabric samples.  What made me finally take the plunge and leave my banking career?

My Dad.

A Detroit area newspaper wrote an article about him titled "Doing What You Love".  It was a full page article in the sports section about his passion for his job as a long time golf course superintendant. A few years after the article was published we lost him to a four month battle with cancer at the age of 57.  His passion for his job (and his love for his family) got him through the difficult days at the end.  I found comfort knowing although his life was short, it was full and passionate.  He spent every day doing what he loved

Happy Father's Day, Dad.  Thank you, for inspiring me to follow my obsession with passion for design.  My business is doing well and I'm so happy to be doing what I love.

© Copyright 2013 The Yellow Cape Cod
For information on my affordable online design service, please click here. I'm currently accepting new clients. 


  1. What a lovely tribute to your father..thanks for sharing. It made me so think of my brother, who also loved what he did as a park manager. Not long after his retirement, he was diagnosed with cancer and lost his life 10 months later at the age of 58. We can still learn lessons from them though, can't we?

    1. Hi Beth, yes we can. :) So sorry you lost your brother. Best, sarah

  2. Thank you Sarah for a beautiful post. I had no idea you used to be a banker! Right now, I am wrestling with a decision to, somehow, cut back on my regular job so that I can pursue my love of design, live a more creative life and have more time to spend with my kids. Then, I see a post like this that reminds me that life is short, and there are no guarantees and that NOW is the time to follow your dreams. Thanks for the inspiration. I would so love to hear more about your story of how you became a designer.

    1. Thanks Sharon! I love to hear from others with a passion for design! Leaving my "original" day job was a big step. I was very lucky to have the support of an amazing husband, family and friends. Best of luck to you, Sarah

  3. Your father did a wonderful job raising you with love and determination for working in your desired field. Your blog is so inspiring and and I have and continue to learn so much from your post and your commitment to family. Have a great week!

    1. Monica, thank you, you are so sweet for saying that. Best, Sarah

  4. What a beautiful refection of your Dad, and a glimpse of the man/father he was.
