
Two Exciting Features In One Day

Although it's back to being freezing cold in Detroit (it's snowing at my sisters house) I have a blue bird on my shoulder nonetheless.  It is a great day at The Yellow Cape Cod. Today, I have two exciting features to share with you.  First, I'm honored to be a guest over at A Stroll Thru Life.  My friend Marty invited me over to give a quick tour of my house and talk a little about my design business.  I would love for you to stop by, say hi and see some recent photos from around my home. 

The other exciting news, literally news, is that today The Yellow Cape Cod is being featured by two of our local Newspapers; The Detroit News and The Detroit Free Press.  Khristi Zimmeth of The Detroit News is sharing a tour of our home in the HomeStyle section along with details on some of the DIY projects we tackled to give our builder spec home custom character on a budget.  If you are not local, you can view some of the article here.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, I'll be back next to share new DIY projects as well as some exciting custom design projects we've been working on.  In the meantime, please don't forget to stop by The Detroit News Homestyle and then head over to A Stroll Thru Life and say hi. Marty has some wonderful DIY project tutorials that I know you guys will LOVE.

For information on my affordable online design service please click here. 


  1. Congratulations! Nice article. I live in Bloonfield Hills and read article this am and I've been receiving your emails for about 6 months.

  2. Oh my goodness, two articles in the newspaper. How exciting and fabulous. Congratulations. Thanks so much for letting me brag a little about you. It has truly been a thrill.

  3. So exciting, I love the homestyle section, congrats Sarah!! Going to look now!

  4. Just came over from Marty's and have to say I LOVE your style and colors!!! I also would love to know where you got the FABULOUS mirror in your dining room? I will be your newest follower! Hope you are having a GREAT weekend!!

    1. Hi Pinky, Thank you! I appreciate your nice words. The mirror is the Kirsten Arch Mirror by Cooper Classics. Thanks for stopping by! Sarah

  5. Love the rug you added to your front porch!!!! So inviting! Do you mind sharing where you got it??? All the best to you!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Sarah...I love the rug you added to your front porch!! The shape and color are great! Do you mind sharing where you got it??? All the best to you!

    1. Thank you, Kristin. Here is a link to the rug:
      Best regards, Sarah
