
31 Days of Custom Design Projects

I'm excited to announce that I've decided to join blogland in the 31 Day Writing Challlenge. Every October, bloggers everywhere accept this challenge to write about the same topic for the entire month of October (posting every day). Five years ago in October of 2011, I accepted the 31 day challenge and wrote a 31 Day Series on giving a builder grade home character (you can catch that series here). This year, my topic will be 31 Days of Custom Designs. Each day for the month of October, I will be sharing a recent client design project along with some deisgn tips and tricks we applied in these projects.

This post will serve as the table of contents for my 31 Day Series. All my posts this month will be linked below for easy access to the entire series. 

Day 1- A Home Office That Doubles as a Guest Room




Behind the scenes of this blog, I operate a busy design studio where I provide online design services (e-designs). I'm using the 31 Day Challenge as an opportunity to share some of this work here on the blog in the hopes that these design projects may inspire others to create the home of their dreams. While designing for thousands of "real people", we have faced many unique design challenges and I look forward to sharing some of these experiences with you this month.

Thanks for stopping by!

Online Design Services are currently available. Please click here for details.

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