*For info on my online design service, please click here. I currently have openings for new projects.
Hi! Today I'd like to share another space I designed in the family vacation home I began sharing with you last week. This is one of the guest rooms. It is a lovely, light filled space. My client already purchased a bed, but needed everything else to pull together a simple, inviting, comfortable and serene room for guests.
Here is a look at the room BEFORE...
Once my client completed my online client consultation survey and sent me photos and measurements of the space, I got to work creating her custom design plan. I included the bed she purchased and selected items that complemented the piece. I delivered the plan to her, she reviewed it, made the suggested purchases and using the plan, put together her new space.
Here is a look at the room NOW...
Here is a look at the design plan I created and my client implemented to achieve this new space...

Here is a look at the design boards from several of the rooms I designed in this home...
Thanks for stopping by! Come back later this week for more on this fantastic vacation home that was completely designed remotely through my affordable online design service.
If you'd like a custom design plan for your home (or your vacation home), please make your reservation through my Design Service Tab at the top of this blog. Or, simply click here.
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